The Starry Journey Pilot has been founded!

You didn't heard it wrong! The pilot of the show "Starry Journey" has been founded!

Before we show the link to you here is some things that are included in the pilot!

"Well so this is my new journey! Starry Journey!" -Starry SJ 1: The start of the journey!

"Welp, lets start this then" -Starry SJ 1: The start of the journey!

"Don't worry! I take care of her" -Savage Starry SJ 3: Fallen stars

"Gosh! He is strong! BUT HE IS BEING CONTROLLED!" -Starry SJ 2: A savage forest

"Fine sir... i will stop them..." -Evilness Starry SJ 7: Interruptions? No!

"I just need some pieces..." -Diamond Starry SJ 12: Sorry! This oil refinary is in contruction!

"OH NO! WE ARE IN TROUBLE!" -Nightfall Starry SJ 13: Troubles in the air

"Oh no! The crystal has been stealed!" -Starry SJ 0: The pilot

And now, here is the link: Neocities.